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Yesterday I wrote about Sandra’s e-course Living with Ease: 21 Days to Less Stress. I had one more question for her regarding her move to Hawaii, where she lives now.

Did your move to Hawaii had anything to do with the aim of living more peacefully?

Yes, in an indirect way it did.  I moved to Hawaii to heal after becoming seriously ill.  Stress combined with other factors triggered and sustained my ill-health.  However, it took me quite awhile to acknowledge the stress component.

I love living in Hawai’i, but it takes more than a beautiful environment to heal and turnaround an overactive stress response.

First, you have to acknowledge that stress is indeed detrimental and may be harming your health.  Oftentimes, we live in denial about stress.  We might shrug it off as part of “modern life” and not take the signs and symptoms to heart.  But, that could be a big mistake because stress can contribute to serious problems like heart disease, immune-related dysfunction, anxiety, and depression to mention just a few.

Secondly, once you acknowledge stress as a culprit, you’ll need to engage in some form of stress reduction to retrain your brain and body.  You see, you’ve trained your brain to automatically turn on the stress response.  It will take some time to learn how to intervene and dissolve it.

Sandra’s signature e-course begins again on January 6th and you can register now.

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